KSAMB Dance Company, founded in 2009, is a collaboration between Kyle Syverson and Miki Mappin. Our vision is for our performances to engage the imagination and help free people from apathy, fear, and complacency–promoting a more sensing, sustainable, and present society. We strongly believe that dance is a universal need. We are anti-elitist, and anti-ageist. Pro-active 'engagers', we offer training and dance events to people with both dance and non-dance backgrounds, of all ages and abilities. We often recruit our performers from this varied group.
Our work is site-specific and frequently performed outdoors for diverse audiences and events. Some of our extreme performance contexts border on 'dance survival'. Our work is generated from our practice of Contact Improvisation, a discipline grounded in attention to sensation.
For KSAMB, dance is both a question, and an answer.
A list of KSAMB performances can be found HERE.
Our work is site-specific and frequently performed outdoors for diverse audiences and events. Some of our extreme performance contexts border on 'dance survival'. Our work is generated from our practice of Contact Improvisation, a discipline grounded in attention to sensation.
For KSAMB, dance is both a question, and an answer.
A list of KSAMB performances can be found HERE.